Anastasia Novikova


Life is an exciting journey! I am always looking for new horizons and opportunities. After university, I was not going to sit still, but continued to study and explore the world. This continuous growth and discovery is my real injection of inspiration!

I love nature, especially flowers! They always inspire me. They are a red thread running through all my work.

Now I am working on a children’s clothing collection called Fytoki. Sounds mysterious, right? This word is invented, it symbolizes all the tenderness and beauty of flowers, but it sounds softer.

As a Buddhist, I am always in search of harmony and inspiration.
Every new day is an opportunity to learn something amazing, expand your horizons and leave your mark in this mosaic of life.

My main goal in creativity is to convey in each work not only professional skills, but also my inner peace. Embodying their own aesthetics and accumulated experience.

Each of my works is a reflection not only of external beauty, but also of deep feelings that I sincerely invest in creativity.

“I am not only an interior designer, Iʼm a creator of amazing flowers - Fitochki.”


Interior Designer


  • 2007-2012 National Aviation University. Department of Architecture and Design
  • 2014 – KAMA, author’s course by Slava Balbek
  • 2017 – ARCHICURS. Slava Balbek’s author’s course
  • 2020 – Online Institute, Residential and Commercial Interior Design Program
  • 2014-2023 novikova.bureau
